For lever or pedal harp.
Evelyn's Scottish Harp Sampler: Arrangements for Solo Harp, Ensemble with Harp, & Singing with Harp
Evelyn has arranged 14 Scottish tunes for intermediate harp and various ensembles. These are interesting and full arrangements, worthy of performance on stage as well as jam sessions and dancing. Each tune has a different grouping of instruments such as: flute, B-flat or C clarinet, harp ensemble, violin or other melody instruments, mandolin, cello, accordion and voice. See the list of tunes below for more information.
Keys range from 1 flat through 2 sharps. Chord symbols are included, and a few harp fingerings. This 89-page PDF includes 78 pages of music, 5 pages of performance notes for the tunes, and 2 pages of sources and references.
This product is a PDF file, to be downloaded to your computer. We do not sell it as regular printed music. It is only available here in this PDF download format.
Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.
- Balcomie House - Jig for Harp and Treble Instrument
- Balcomie House - Jig for Three Harps and Treble Instrument
- Braes of Tullimet - Strathspey for Solo Harp
- Cradle Song - Air for Harp and Treble Instrument
- Craigellachie Lasses - Jig for Harp and Treble Instruments
- Highland Boat Song and Arran Boat Song - Airs for Harp and Treble Instruments or 3 Mandolins
- Jamie, Come Try Me - Air for Cello and Harp
- Land of the Leal - Song for Voice and Harp
- Màiri Bhàn Òg - Air for Solo Harp
- Lady Elizabeth Cole's Reel - Jig for Solo Harp
- Marchioness of Huntly's Favorite - Jig for Harp and Treble Instruments
- Skye Boat Song - Song for Three Voices and Harp
- Petronella - Reel for Harp and Treble Instruments
- There Will Never Be Peace Until Jamie Comes Hame - Air for Harp and Treble Instruments & Harp
- Will Ye No Come Back Again? - Song for Three Voices and Harp